


どこか物哀しい夕暮れどきのサギ 醍醐天皇から五位を授かったからゴイサギ ゴイサギとは 哀愁ただよう姿で港を見つめるサギ。ゴイサギ?……種類は不明(撮影者J.M) どこか物哀しい夕暮れどきのサギ ある日、海へ釣りに行って、もちろんその日も釣れなかった…

【見つけた図鑑◉植物】 バイカモ

初夏のころに白い小さな花を咲かせる梅花藻 きれいな水の中で咲くバイカモの花 静水では育たず、流水だけで育つ珍しい植物 〈ばいかも〉とは きれいな水の中で咲くバイカモの花 山のほうへいったときなどに、湧き水があったり、澄んだきれいな沢や小川がある…

『 Poo-kun's trip』16 (End)

●16 Poo and Unko aim for their hometown. And... He and her began to trace the river, aiming for the upstream where they were born. It was literally dead. The first thing that appeared was the embankment downstream. For many years, they had…

『 Poo-kun's trip』15

●15 Poop, finally to the river of my hometown Punch-kun and Unko-chan swam hard. Off the Bering Sea, he was heading to the hometown of the sea in the north west of the Pacific Ocean. "Unko-chan, you've been swimming a lot, but are you tire…

『 Poo-kun's trip』14

●14 Poo, hometown and instinct It was a hot summer. Despite their usually weak appetite season, their appetite has increased for some reason. I ate so much about the plankton, which was terrifyingly full, and the myriad of big and small cr…

『 Poo-kun's trip』13

●13 Poop, become an adult The season goes around. We repeated the comings and goings of the Bering Sea, which can easily overtake the heat in the summer, and the Alaskan Sea, which is full of food in the winter, for several years. It was a…

『 Poo-kun's trip』12

●12 Poo, meet friends During the severe winter, the Bering Sea, which may freeze up, escaped to the eastern sea. The Alaskan Sea is an area close to the Arctic, but due to the ocean current, it is an area with many creatures that feed even…